Online betting platform,, tasked us with running a football focused campaign that would help drive powerful, DA 50+ links back to their website to support their wider SEO activity
With COVID-19 moving football fixtures in the 20/21 season to daily occurrences, we wanted to see what impact this huge variety of kick-off times had on results for each team
/ Digital PR
/ Sports
Conducted in-depth desk research listing every single result for the 20 EPL teams, looking at home v away, kick-off days and times
Identified patterns and angles from the data and produce media collateral to match
Targeted national and regional media with a DA of 50+ with the stats
Set up interviews with ex-players to ensure the press had no choice but to take our story and provide the link
We were tasked with gaining 5 links across relevant and powerful publications in order to support the 888 Sport ranking performance for Premier League key terms
of linking coverage in 1 month
of 81
keyword profile improved by 19%
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