At our core as human beings, is the inherent need to be, and feel, connected. Connected to people, to stories, to items – and even to brands.
So, how do you get customers to feel connected to your brand? By cultivating a community on your social channels that connects, uplifts and inspires your audience. So, let’s get inspired together and take a look at some of the brands already investing into their community – and reaping the rewards of doing so.
Lethally Her
A small business that specialises in organisational products, Lethally Her even describe themselves as a “community-focused” brand. From exclusive groups for their audience that brings them together on one platform to free networking events in and around London that directly benefit the attendees, Lethally Her are a great example of knowing what your audience wants, and building a strong community around those needs.
So, what makes their community building practices so effective? It’s so simple, but often so overlooked in marketing – they are unapologetically themselves, and refreshingly real. Users nowadays are looking for real connections, real stories and real brands to stick their teeth and their well-earned money into – and this is what Lethally Her provides, going further than the digital.
With a combination of in real and online events, Lethally Her encourages and allows their consumers to meet the face behind their brand, breaking down that awkward barrier between irl and url. The owners behind the brand are also consistently showing their faces and the behind the scenes of running their business, adding a personable element to their socials.
Make sure to check out Lethally Hers’ socials, and see the latest community events they’re getting up to for this year.
Known as the home of circular fashion, Depop is another business honing in on the value of community within its social strategy, where its business model is built, and relies on, community.
Through its key messaging on their website, which calls onto its users to ‘be part of the community that’s transforming fashion one item at a time’, Depop succeeds at already planting the community seed into the mind of prospective sellers.
Not only does Depop tell users about their aims for a harmonious community within their app, they show it, too. From spotlighting local sellers to partnering with active members of the Depop community, Depop provides a great example of not only being able to cultivate a community, but keeping them engaged. By sharing their huge social platforms alongside their users, Depop actively amplifies their communities’ voice, and makes them feel a part of the brand.
How to begin building your brands’ community
Firstly, building your community can start with something as low-effort as liking and replying to all of the comments your brand receives on its social channels – sparking conversation and showing that the brand is active in talking to its followers. This is an extremely easy first step to take and begin building that community.
It goes without saying that a well-engaged community on your social channels does not spring up overnight. There needs to be research, strategy and a well thought-out plan that goes into creating a successful community. Ensure that you know who your audience is before building your community strategy – what kind of things are your audience interested in? What are the demographics? What pieces of content from your brand have they been most interested in? What value will your audience get from the community you create?
One valuable piece of advice – think about what you, as a consumer, would need from a brand to feel a part of a community.. Putting yourself in the shoes of your own audience is key, and backing this up with research and data about your audience will only strengthen your community strategy.
With the need for authentic, honest businesses that care about their audiences becoming more important than ever, now is a great time to begin investing into your online community to strengthen brand awareness, ambassadors, and even sales.
To find out more about creating authentic community-based strategies, email us at