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Hatch Communications

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Social Channels launch in (Free)style!

by Matt Vowles


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Boost Drinks challenged the social team here at Hatch to launch the new Facebook and Twitter channels for its Boost Sport brand. We rallied the Hatchlings and had a team brainstorm in The Nest to come up with a cracking idea that fell in line with the brand guidelines, key messages and strapline of #PlayOn.

And so, it was decided the best way to ‘kick’ start these new channels would be with an engaging video content series with someone that epitomises the Boost Sport brand.

Enter John Farnworth…

The 33-year-old football freestyler, and world record holder, has worked with one of the team many years ago on a completely different campaign and sounded like the perfect fit for our videos. His social following and fan base were exactly the demographic we were looking to target Boost Sport towards.

We worked closely with John to produce three videos that included a mix of freestyle tricks, bottle shots and urban skills. Check them out and see what you think (still gutted my rainbow flick into back of the neck catch didn’t make the final edit, but I guess we weren’t paying to see me):


The three videos went down a storm with both the client and John’s fanbase; reaching over 150,000 people on social, generating 58,647 video views and driving our channel engagement rate up to a staggering 22% during the campaign months. Not to mention helping us reach out to our new emerging followers as the page followers grew by 10%.

With a supporting paid ad campaign, we were able to generate brand awareness, reach our core target demographic for the brand and start to build an engaged following on the newly created Facebook and Twitter pages.

We wanted to rope John in to continue to help us, but he had to nip over to Africa to cross the Sahara Desert whilst juggling a ball the entire way!!

I suppose I’ll just have to keep practicing my own tricks for the next Hatch freestyle campaign…

Boost Drinks challenged the social team here at Hatch to launch the new Facebook and Twitter channels for its Boost Sport brand. We rallied the Hatchlings and had a team brainstorm in The Nest to come up with a cracking idea that fell in line with the brand guidelines, key messages and strapline of #PlayOn.

And so, it was decided the best way to ‘kick’ start these new channels would be with an engaging video content series with someone that epitomises the Boost Sport brand.

Enter John Farnworth…

The 33-year-old football freestyler, and world record holder, has worked with one of the team many years ago on a completely different campaign and sounded like the perfect fit for our videos. His social following and fan base were exactly the demographic we were looking to target Boost Sport towards.

We worked closely with John to produce three videos that included a mix of freestyle tricks, bottle shots and urban skills. Check them out and see what you think (still gutted my rainbow flick into back of the neck catch didn’t make the final edit, but I guess we weren’t paying to see me):


The three videos went down a storm with both the client and John’s fanbase; reaching over 150,000 people on social, generating 58,647 video views and driving our channel engagement rate up to a staggering 22% during the campaign months. Not to mention helping us reach out to our new emerging followers as the page followers grew by 10%.

With a supporting paid ad campaign, we were able to generate brand awareness, reach our core target demographic for the brand and start to build an engaged following on the newly created Facebook and Twitter pages.

We wanted to rope John in to continue to help us, but he had to nip over to Africa to cross the Sahara Desert whilst juggling a ball the entire way!!

I suppose I’ll just have to keep practicing my own tricks for the next Hatch freestyle campaign…


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