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Organising your fridge like a pro with Hisense

by Aimee Crossland


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Ok, so hands up if you found yourself clearing out your wardrobe, deep cleaning your kitchen cupboards and fridge, tidying excessively and just quite frankly doing anything and everything possible to keep boredom at bay during lockdown? I know I did!

Driven by the likes of Marie Kondo and Mrs Hinch we’ve seen cleaning and tidying take off as huge trends in recent months, and we saw the perfect opportunity to launch a press office campaign for our home electricals client Hisense. With a bit of research, we found that the average spend on the weekly shop over lockdown was up almost 20%, despite the fact us Brits made 77 million fewer visits to the shop compared to the same period in 2019. That means more food in the fridge for a longer period of time.

Hatch worked alongside Marie Kondo certified expert, Sue Spencer, a Professional Home Organiser to uncover all the expert insight on how to really organise your fridge, cut down on food waste and cleaning time and just make day-to-day life easier. Sue provided us with her expertise, covering everything from where you should store your ketchup to how to use each shelf efficiently for your food’s optimum lifespan.

The Hatch team set about distributing our press materials – complete with a bespoke infographic to support – and managed to secure an exclusive video piece with The Sun, a live interview on TalkRADIO and coverage in Real Homes among others. Overall, the campaign was a huge success, with 163 pieces of coverage and an estimated reach of 30,000,000 – not bad for a reactive, small-budget campaign.

Do you have a product or service you’d like to shout about? Why not give us a call on 0113 361 3600 – we love a natter.

Ok, so hands up if you found yourself clearing out your wardrobe, deep cleaning your kitchen cupboards and fridge, tidying excessively and just quite frankly doing anything and everything possible to keep boredom at bay during lockdown? I know I did!

Driven by the likes of Marie Kondo and Mrs Hinch we’ve seen cleaning and tidying take off as huge trends in recent months, and we saw the perfect opportunity to launch a press office campaign for our home electricals client Hisense. With a bit of research, we found that the average spend on the weekly shop over lockdown was up almost 20%, despite the fact us Brits made 77 million fewer visits to the shop compared to the same period in 2019. That means more food in the fridge for a longer period of time.

Hatch worked alongside Marie Kondo certified expert, Sue Spencer, a Professional Home Organiser to uncover all the expert insight on how to really organise your fridge, cut down on food waste and cleaning time and just make day-to-day life easier. Sue provided us with her expertise, covering everything from where you should store your ketchup to how to use each shelf efficiently for your food’s optimum lifespan.

The Hatch team set about distributing our press materials – complete with a bespoke infographic to support – and managed to secure an exclusive video piece with The Sun, a live interview on TalkRADIO and coverage in Real Homes among others. Overall, the campaign was a huge success, with 163 pieces of coverage and an estimated reach of 30,000,000 – not bad for a reactive, small-budget campaign.

Do you have a product or service you’d like to shout about? Why not give us a call on 0113 361 3600 – we love a natter.


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