The latest Hatchling to be profiled in our Meet The Team feature is Vikki (VT-Rex to some) …
Q. First things first – how do you like your eggs?
A. Scrambled with chilli flakes, ‘cause I’m fancy
Q. If you could invite three people to a dinner party, who would it be and why?
A. Sam Neill, Levison Wood and Ryan Reynolds
Q. What is the oddest possession you own?
A. 4 versions of Jurassic Park (the original, obviously)
Q. What has been your career highlight while working at Hatch?
A. Walking out of the tunnel at Elland Road. As a massive Leeds United fan, it was kind of a big deal
Q. What is your office nickname?
A. VT-Rex seems to have caught on, unfortunately
Q. Time to choose: White Rose or Red Rose?
A. White rose and proud
Q. If you could only ever listen to one song again, which would it be?
A. Chris Isaak – Wicked Game
Q. What is your office snack of choice?
A. I’m not much of a snacker, but I am partial to a chocolate digestive
Q. Which brand would it be your dream to work with?
A. The European Tour
Q. You’re on a sinking ship with all the Hatchlings, and you only have the power to save one. Who do you choose?
A: Emma, because she definitely wouldn’t be able to save herself