Meriel is the latest Hatchling to be profiled in our Meet The Team feature! To get to know her a little better, read on…
Q. First things first – how do you like your eggs?
A. Boiled. With soldiers. Balancing on a shot glass because I don’t have egg cups.
Q. If you could invite three people to a dinner party, who would it be and why?
A. Ru Paul for the stories. Billy Joel for the entertainment. And Graham Norton to be the witty glue that holds us all together and keeps our wine glasses topped up.
Q. What is the oddest possession you own?
A. My old retainer. I haven’t worn it in 6 years, not sure why I’m holding on.
Q. What has been your career highlight while working at Hatch?
A. Accidentally ruining the Hatch Away trip by inadvertently shouting this year’s location across the office. And winning the golden egg in my first month.
Q. What is your office nickname?
A. People are still getting to grips with ‘Meriel’, better to not run before we can walk
Q. Time to choose: White Rose or Red Rose?
A. Having just had to google the significance of the question I don’t think I’m regionally qualified to answer that one
Q. If you could only ever listen to one song again, which would it be?
A. American Pie by Don McClean. At nearly 9 mins long you wouldn’t get bored.
Q. What is your office snack of choice?
A. Chocolate buttons that have spent a good few hours chilling in the freezer. Nice and snappy.
Q. Which brand would it be your dream to work with?
A. Franco Manca. Or an airline for those elusive employee discounted tickets.
Q. You’re on a sinking ship with all the Hatchlings, and you only have the power to save one. Who do you choose?
A. Milly. I’d want my last moments to be spent recollecting each of Danny Mac’s Strictly performances in vivid detail.