Roses are red, violets are blue, while you were thinking about love we were thinking about food & drink (well the packaging design part anyway). Here’s a few examples of what brands have been up to; to spread the L-O-V-E over the years.
Moon Pie Valentine’s Edition. Packaging and Valentine’s Day Card in one, and yes it was all four sides. Celebrating love whilst keeping a sustainable message, helping to spread love to planet Earth and helping their consumers reduce the need hunt down Valentine’s Day cards.
Smith & Sinclair Valentine’s Sleeves. No chocolates and roses here. Their alcoholic gummies have been paired with bold colours and typography with a cheeky touch of copywriting.
Stolpman Vineyards, Love You Bunches? A Valentine’s wine but with a twist! Celebrate love on Valentine’s Day or for any occasion for that matter. Simple but effective, this packaging design and message lets the act of telling someone you love them speak for itself – straight off the bottle.
Mr Kipling Baked with extra TLC. Without disrupting the well-known and recognisable packaging design, Mr Kipling have added a little bit of love and a dash of pun into the copywriting messages which features on their Valentine’s Day special editions across their baked-goods range.
One thing we love overall is how branding and TOV is contently used with clear and effective messaging throughout. We’re excited to see what brands cook up next year.