I never imagined that at 24, the topic of Father’s Day would cause me such distress. It serves as a constant reminder for the pain I have felt since I lost my father on Boxing Day 2021.
It’s an undeniable consumer date, a real hot spot for gift guides and bundles marketed specifically for you and your dad. There are posters up, pop-ups in shopping centers, TV and radio adverts, and aisles and aisles of marketing messages, cards and gifts at the supermarket. It’s a looming date that I just cannot escape from, and every time I see it, feels like I’m reliving that day all over again.
This is why it brought me such relief to come across an email from Moonpig, offering an opt-out service for Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. I’ve also received similar emails from the likes of Boots and Asda to name a few.
After doing some research I found this all came about a few years ago after Tory MP Matt Warman called for advertisers to adopt opt-out policies. He spoke powerfully in parliament about the loss of his own parents and the dread these emails make him feel.
Now it may seem counterproductive, why would companies actively encourage people to opt-out of their marketing and promotions? But when you break down the audience of people opting out, they are not the type of consumers who would likely be engaging in this day anyway, therefore the loss of potential sales is minimal.
What it does do, however, is build faith and respect for the brands doing it.
Consumers are becoming more interested in the ethos of companies, no longer buying the first product they like without a thought in the world. Instead, they’re looking at brands’ ethics, their sustainable credentials and empathy.
By offering this service, brands are positioning themselves as caring more about their consumers and customers, than the sales itself. This is something which pays off long-term.
I for one know I will continue to support these outlets in the future, as I feel that through their service, they’ve offered me support, something which I would like to pay back.
Is it a clever marketing tool, or is it genuine care?
I feel it is a step in the direction of more considerate marketing. Placing feelings above profit.
What I do know is, it will make my family’s pain ease, and serve as one less reminder of my loss, and that is a win for me.