In recent years, the concept of cook along has gained popularity as a fun and interactive way to share culinary experiences with friends, family, and even strangers from around the world. Previously cooking videos were associated with Sunday TV shows and long from videos, but the boom of TikTok and Instagram Lives means you can now host and stream your own content easily from your own home. You can even create and share your own short recipe tutorials in shorter, digestible content that is 60 seconds or less.
But what do you need to consider when hosting a cook along?
Step 1: Choose Your Theme or Recipe
The first step in hosting a cook along is to choose a theme or recipe that will guide the event. Consider your audience and their preferences. It could be a specific cuisine, a seasonal ingredient, or a particular dish you’d like to showcase alongside your brand. The key is to select something that is engaging, accessible, and offers room for creativity.
Step 2: Plan and Prepare
Once you’ve settled on a theme or recipe, it’s time to plan and prepare. Choose if you are going to go live or prerecord content for your cook along videos. Make sure you have everything you need ready to go and its always beneficial to have at least one other person on hand to help you if you need it. Test the kit you’ll be filming on, whether that’s your phone or a livestream camera setup. Make sure it looks and sounds as good as you can so your livestream or edited end videos will look mouth-wateringly good.
Then make sure to familiarise yourself with the recipe and techniques you’ll be showcasing during the video. Practice it beforehand to ensure that you can guide viewers effectively. Compile a comprehensive list of ingredients and necessary equipment for the recipe. Share it with anyone who might be joining well in advance so they can gather everything they need if they are trying the recipe out themselves. A nice touch is to also offer them advice on substitute ingredients that they can use or try in the dishes.
Determine the approximate time required for each step of the recipe. This will help you structure the cook along and ensure your viewers can keep up without feeling rushed if you are going live.
Step 3: Choose the Right Platform
To host a successful cook along live, you’ll need a platform that allows you to interact with participants in real-time. Consider using video conferencing tools like Zoom or Skype. These platforms provide the opportunity for participants to ask questions, share their progress, and engage with others during the cooking process.
If you are creating prerecorded content, then editing smaller videos for YouTube, Instagram and TikTok can allow your cook along tutorials to gain traction, views and engagements.
Step 4: Engage and Interact
One of the primary reasons people watch a cook along is to engage with others who share their love for cooking. Encourage participants to ask questions, share their experiences, and send in their own images. This interaction fosters a sense of community and makes the cook along more enjoyable for everyone involved.
As the host, it’s important to be prepared for any potential hiccups participants may encounter. Anticipate common challenges and offer tips, tricks, and advice along the way.
Step 5: Share the Final Results
At the end of it all, encourage people to share their final creations. Ask them to take pictures and post them on social media using a designated hashtag. This allows everyone to celebrate their achievements and can generate some great UGC (user generated content) for your brand as well.
In conclusion, hosting a cook along is an exciting way to connect with others, share culinary experiences, and learn new skills in the kitchen. By choosing a theme or recipe, planning meticulously, engaging with your viewers and audience, you can create an enjoyable and memorable experience.
If you’re interested in how hosting a cook along could benefit your brand, get in touch at