As anyone working in Digital PR will know, good content is becoming more and more important by the day. Gone are the days where you could simply include a link to the homepage in a press release and watch the backlinks come flooding in – now, journalists and readers want something with more substance.
That’s where onsite content comes into play. Onsite content can exist in many forms – be that a video, graphic, interactive landing page or a whitepaper. In the past, onsite content was seen to be of value for one primary reason; SEO rankings.
SEO content is essential for increasing visibility, keyword rankings and overall organic traffic to your website but onsite content has far more value for Digital PR campaigns beyond SEO too.
Why Should you Include Onsite Content as Part of Your Digital PR Campaign
Digital PR and Content and two of the three main pillars of SEO, alongside technical SEO. Therefore it will come as no surprise that the two work hand in hand to amplify one another. One of the primary goals of any Digital PR campaign is to drive links to the website – but links don’t come easy. Having a useful, insightful piece of content sitting onsite that adds real value to the Digital PR campaign increases your chances of securing a link greatly.
Aside from increasing your chances of securing a link, ensuring your Digital PR campaign is backed up with onsite content allows you to position yourself as the expert and though leader in your field.
The Value of Onsite Content
Now we’ve covered why should include onsite content as part of your digital PR campaign, let’s look at the true value it holds and what it can add to the campaign.
Incentivise Links
We can’t lie, the number one reason for onsite content as part of your digital PR campaign is to incentivise links to the website. It is difficult to drive links to your site if there isn’t any new or useful information there, especially for journalists. Whereas, if you house new, interesting content on your site as part of your campaign it is far more likely to secure you a link – whether that be a video, new recipe cards, a report with additional insights and data or an interactive landing page.
Provide Extra Insight for Journalists and Readers
Continuing on from providing something additional for journalists to link to, it is important that your onsite content provide extra insight. If you are focusing on a large data collection and analysis as part of your digital PR campaign you don’t want to include everything in a press release – instead you can house the majority of your research on your website, pulling out the most newsworthy stats for your release.
Drive Traffic to Your Site
It goes without saying that teasing something in a press release, where your potential audience might read it in their favourite publication or on social channels, can help to drive traffic to your site. Especially if you house exclusive content on their that isn’t in your press release.
Alongside building links, increasing website traffic is one of the key goals of a digital PR campaign so anything we can do to get users on site is great.
Evergreen Content
Onsite content provides (almost) endless linking opportunities and press office angles. One of the best things you can do is create evergreen onsite content to sit on your website that can be repurposed for different press office angles over time. This is especially true if you’ve done a big data pull and analysis and have plenty of angles to use.
If you’d like to find out more about how to use content to amplify your digital PR campaign, get in touch at